Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Security Commision Malaysia

INTRODUCTION SECURITIES COMMISSION Securities Commission is a general term used for a government department or agency responsible for financial regulation of  securities  products within a particular country. Its powers and responsibilities vary greatly from country to country, but generally cover the setting of rules as well as enforcing them for financial intermediaries and  stock exchanges. The Securities Commission Malaysia (SC), is responsible for the regulation and development of capital markets in Malaysia.Established on 1 March 1993 under the Securities Commission Act 1993, it is a self-funding statutory body with investigative and enforcement powers. It reports to the Minister of Finance and its accounts are tabled in Parliament annually. The SC's many regulatory functions include: * Supervising exchanges, clearing houses and central depositories; * Registering authority for prospectuses of corporations other than unlisted recreational clubs; * Approving authority for corporate bond issues; Regulating all matters relating to securities and futures contracts; * Regulating the take-over and mergers of companies * Regulating all matters relating to unit trust schemes; * Licensing and supervising all licensed persons; * Encouraging self-regulation; and * Ensuring proper conduct of market institutions and licensed persons. The SC's objective, as stated in its mission statement, is to promote and maintain fair, efficient, secure and transparent securities and futures markets and to facilitate the overall development of an innovative and competitive capital market.MALAYSIA CAPITAL MARKET A capital market is a market for securities (debt or equity), where business enterprises (companies) and governments can raise long-term funds. It is defined as a market in which money is provided for periods longer than a year, as the raising of short-term funds takes place on other markets such as the money market). The capital market includes the stock market (equity securities) and the bond market (debt). Financial regulators, such as Securities Commission Malaysia (SC) oversee the capital markets in their esignated jurisdictions to ensure that investors are protected against fraud, among other duties Capital markets may be classified as primary markets and secondary markets. In primary markets, new stock or bond issues are sold to investors via a mechanism known as underwriting. In the secondary markets, existing securities are sold and bought among investors or traders, usually on a securities exchange, over-the-counter, or elsewhere. Role of Securities Commission in Malaysian Capital Market The main role of securities commission is to regulate the Malaysian capital market by implementing Capital Markets and Services Act 2007(CMSA).This Act repeals the Securities Industry Act 1983 (SIA) and Futures Industry Act 1993(FIA). The CMSA which takes effect on 28 September 2007 introduces a single licensing regime for capital market intermediaries. Under this new regime, a capital market intermediary will only need one license to carry on business in any one or more of the following regulated activities such as dealing in securities, trading in futures contracts, fund management, advising on corporate finance, investment advice and financial planning.Licensing ensures an adequate level of investor protection, including the provision of sufficient safeguards to protect investors from default by market intermediaries or problems arising from the insolvency of such intermediaries. More importantly, it instills confidence among investors that the organizations and people they deal with will treat them fairly and are efficient, honest and financially sound. Through its authority to issue licenses, the SC regulates the market by ascertaining the fitness and propriety of companies and individuals applying for licenses.In considering whether an applicant is fit and proper to hold a license, the SC takes into account the following fact ors: * Probity – adherence to the highest principles and ideals; * Ability to perform such functions efficiently, honestly and fairly; * Financial status; * Reputation, character, financial integrity and reliability; Under this measure, intermediaries hold a Capital Markets and Services License as opposed to multiple separate licenses, which effectively reduces administrative and compliance costs, and ultimately saves time.In addition, SC also advised the public not to make any investment with companies that are not licensed or approved by them. SC provide a list of known companies and websites which are not authorized nor approved under the securities laws to deal in securities, trade in futures contracts, advise on corporate finance, provide investment advice, financial planning and/or fund management services related to securities and futures for the public to take note. Last but not least, SC will also continue to monitor those intermediaries that hold the Capital Markets and Services License from time to time, to ensure the albeit to their laws.The Malaysian Capital Market Compliance with International Standards and Transparency Although Malaysia has not undertaken the IMF/World Bank Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), the Securities Commission (SC), as the competent regulatory authority for oversight of the capital market, has voluntarily undertaken independent assessments under the various standards set by the IMF/World Bank, and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO).The SC has also supported the move to comply with international best practices on accounting-related matters. A. Code on Corporate Governance for Listed Companies Malaysia embarked on extensive corporate governance reforms since 1998, included introduction of a code of corporate governance and immediate steps to implement changes in the composition and role of board of directors. Out of 10 recommendations to strengthen corporate governance stated in the Capital Market Masterplan by Securities Commission, nine of it has been carried out since 2004.These included strengthening of revelation rules, corporate whistleblower protection and major reforms to patch up government-linked corporations (GLCs). Malaysia voluntarily agreed to be assessed under the Corporate Governance Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (CG ROSC) by the World Bank in 2005, based on a methodology that is benchmarked against the internationally accepted OECD Principles of Corporate Governance.Malaysia has published the CG ROSC that was completed in 2005. B. IOSCO (International Organization of Securities Commissions) – Assessment on Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation (IOSCO Principles) In 2008, the Securities Commission undertook an independent assessment by IOSCO to benchmark its compliance against IOSCO's 30 core principles on securities regulation.The principles covered the responsibilities of the regulator, its enforceme nt powers, the regulation and supervision of primary and secondary markets, market intermediaries, the management and operation of unit trusts, and clearing and settlement. The Malaysian capital market regulatory framework was assessed as fully compliant with virtually all of the IOSCO Principles. Malaysia was rated fully implemented for 28 out of 29 principles, and also for 18 out of the 19 recommendations for Principle 30 on clearing and settlement.Furthermore, Securities Commission has continued to enhance its regulatory framework, processes and protocols in identified areas. Steps are also being taken to address the measures required to become fully compliant with the other two remaining Principles. C. Compliance of CRAs with IOSCO Code Following the release of the revised IOSCO Code, the domestic credit rating agencies (CRAs), RAM and MARC, have adopted the revised IOSCO Code in their own code of conduct.The updated codes, published in early 2009, broadly aimed at enhancing sta ndards and conduct of credit rating agencies in the quality and integrity of the rating process, CRA independence and avoidance of conflicts of interest, CRA responsibilities to the investing public and issuer, and disclosure of the code of conduct and communications with market participants. The adoption of the IOSCO Code by RAM and MARC is an important achievement as only seven CRAs had implemented the code, namely Fitch, Moody's and Standard & Poors, the Japan Credit Rating Agency and the Dominion Bond Rating Service.D. Assessments on Compliance with the 40+9 Recommendations by the FATF In January 2007, Malaysia was assessed for compliance with the 40+9 recommendations of the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) an inter-governmental body whose purpose is the development and promotion of policies, both at national and international levels, to combat money laundering and terrorist financing. (AML/CFT). The Mutual Evaluation Report is published on the APG website. Measures undertaken by the SC for the capital market sector contributed to a high level of compliance.Malaysia was rated as fully compliant with nine and largely compliant with 24 recommendations. In 2008, the SC implemented several measures to implement the recommendations in the Mutual Evaluation Report. These included measures on market conduct and business practices for stockbrokers and licensed representatives, amending the provisions in the SC's guidelines relating to customer due diligence requirements and politically exposed persons and setting up a networking group to encourage a more proactive participation by the capital market intermediaries towards ensuring higher standards of AML/CFT compliance.E. Compliance with International Accounting Standards Furthermore, the SC is also operational directly with the respective Malaysian accounting boards to integrate accounting principles, with a commitment on full convergence with international accounting standards by 2012. RECO MMENDATION We hope that Securities Commission will continue to play their role well in Malaysian capital market to ensure all investors are protected by them.This will surely benefit all investors who invest in Malaysia capital market as their risks are reduced and accurate information is provided by SC. CONCLUSION After completing this project, we understand that the Securities Commission (SC) plays a very important role in the Malaysian Capital Market. As SC’s mission statement – â€Å"to promote and maintain fair, efficient, secure and transparent securities and futures markets and to facilitate the orderly development of an innovative and competitive capital market†.SC role is to regulate the capital market and protecting the investors is their ultimate responsibility. SC is also obliged by statute to encourage and promote the development of the securities and futures markets in Malaysia. As a Malaysian we should feel proud on this association as SC really p ut their very great effort on the work toward our country’s capital market and result in a very huge improvement in our capital market. As a result, everyone could earn money by investing in a â€Å"healthy† capital market.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Clothing Store Businnes

————————————————- Outline Clothing Store Business Topic Clothing Store Thesis Statement Designing a clothing store business could be a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. Body 1. Consumer a. Human’s basic needs b. Human’s fashion needs c. Existence 2. Owner d. Enjoyable job e. Trendsetter f. High profit Introduction People need cloth. Cloth is used to meet human’s basic needs. It is also can indicate people’s personality, because every people is free to decide what they want to be like.However, most people personally judge others based on what they wore. In other word, cloth is one of the things that determine people’s social status. This phenomenon is a big business opportunity. When people need cloth then there must be others who can satisfy that need. Clothing store is the perfect solution for businessman to meet peopleâ€℠¢s need of cloth. In addition to get an enjoyable job, businessman can also get high profits. So, designing a clothing store business could be a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. ConclusionTo sum up, designing clothing store is, indeed, a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. For the consumer, clothing store is a place where they can meet one of their basic and fashion needs. It also can show people’s social status and their existence. For the owner, designing clothing store is an enjoyable job that could make them become a trendsetter and get high profit. Essay Clothing Store Business People need clothes. Cloth is used to meet human’s basic needs. It is also can indicate people’s personality, because every people is free to decide what they want to be like.However, most people personally judge others based on what they wore. In other word, cloth is one of the things that determine people’s social status. This phenomenon is a big busin ess opportunity. When people need cloth then there must be others who can satisfy that need. Clothing store is the perfect solution for businessman to meet people’s need of cloth. In addition to get an enjoyable job, businessman can also get high profits. So, designing a clothing store business could be a good opportunity for both consumer and owner.People have a lot of needs that must be fulfilled. But only some of them cannot be deferred. People’s need that must be met is called human’s basic needs. Manfred Max-Neef, Chilean economist-environmentalist and mainly known for his human development model, call it â€Å"Fundamental Human Needs†. He classifies the fundamental human needs as subsistence, protection, affection, understanding, participation, leisure, creation, identity, and freedom. In the first row of fundamental human needs listed the subsistence.It means the parts of subsistence needs are the most important needs. One of the parts of subsisten ce needs is a cloth. Clothing needs exist from the need to protect the body from climate and weather conditions. However, now clothes are not only considered as a human’s basic need, but also as an identity and social’s status. Clothes are a fashion. People love fashion and be fashionable. Fashion makes an important contribution to society. It creates jobs and products that satisfy fundamental human needs. A fashion piece cannot in itself create sustainability.This is created by the way in which people design, make, wear, discard and reincarnate it. People need to design in a way that means that they engage in fashion in a way that is sustainable. Center for Sustainable Fashion from London Collage of Fashion suggest that people re-connect with fashion as a tool for human flourishing and a source of creative employment and productive work by working in two areas. First, critically appraise the role of fashion in our culture, mean people have a deep need for adornment, d iscovery and novelty. Fashion can help them meet these needs.By recognizing and engaging with fashion’s central role in human culture, they build towards more sustainable solutions that meet needs. Second, put human well-being at the heart of fashion production and consumption, mean changing fashion practices to improve well-being of workers, consumers, designers, and producers is central to a more sustainable future. Nowadays, every people wants to be acknowledged about his or her existence. People show their best to get more attention than others. If people are  getting a lot  of attention  from others  it will be  easy for them  to gain recognition of  their existence.Every people has different ways to get it. One of the easier ways to get attention from others is to wear different style of clothes. More eye-catching or fashionable people’s style of clothes, the easier they become the center of attention. To get eye-catching or fashionable clothes, peo ple have to go to a place that provides various types and models, so they can choose the type of clothes that suit them. As described in the first paragraph, people’s clothing needs is big business opportunity. Businessman can design clothing store, as a place to satisfy people’s clothing needs.People can channel their hobby and passion in designing clothes. As Confucius said, â€Å"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life†. Steven Jobs also once said, â€Å"People with passion can change the world for the better. † Asked about the advice he would offer would-be entrepreneurs, he said, â€Å"I'd get a job as a busboy or something until I figured out what I was really passionate about. † That's how much it meant to him. Passion is everything. All of the businessmen do not  have to  come  on time  in the morning  to  work  and  sit  for hours in front of the  computer.They make they own rules. It a lso happens to clothing store’s businessman. Fortunately, there are no  rules  in  fashion. People are free to design and determine various types of clothes that they want to sell. Some statements above already approved that designing a clothing store is really an enjoyable job. Each clothing store has their own characteristic. It can be seen from the type of clothes that its sell. People who design clothing store will be the first people who know and publish the different new styles to public based on their characteristic.Therefore, they can be trendsetter. They must know a fashion  that will be  popular  or  even create  a  new fashion mainstream  society. The fashion lovers, sometimes called fashionita, will  always follow  the latest trends  created by  the trendsetters. It is  a  pride for  the owner of clothing store as people  who  has created  these trends. Besides  getting  the pride,  the  owner of  clothing  store s  are also  getting  high profits  from the  clothing  store  business. It is because the fashion  always change  every time  and the  fashionista  will  always  follow the  newest  trend.So,  the procurement of  new  fashion items  are very  promising  because it  will most likely be  sold. Therefore, the  clothing  store  will  always get the  benefit goes  along with the  change of  fashion. To sum up, designing clothing store is, indeed, a good opportunity for both consumer and owner. For the consumer, clothing store is a place where they can meet one of their basic and fashion needs. It also can show people’s social status and their existence. For the owner, designing clothing store is an enjoyable job that could make them become a trendsetter and get high profit.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Question 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Question 1 - Essay Example Here the project leaders create a charter for the project, create the process high-level view, and start understanding the customer’s need of the process. This is the critical stage for the company where the leaders define their effort outline for the leadership and for themselves. In the evolution of Lean Sigma Enterprise, Mematech Pharmaceutical Company is on the early successes. At this stage, Mematech’s initial projects are in under way. Their improvements have shown crucial impacts and financials. The support from the initial team undergoes validation by other results. This is an important stage, where it is crucial for the previous successes to be publicized so that the entire organization can see the impact of the lean sigma. The technology drivers that influence the lean sigma enterprise’ evolution are Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management. The advantage of the technology is to re-design the solution and offer discipline and process systemization (Taghizadegan, 2006). The changes of uncertainty and ambiguity of the potential impact of the business is replaced by the relevant and proven illustration of the problems that face the company. The organization has responded to the changes through leadership support, p eople, training, project selection, reporting, software, and financial impact. The key challenge is ensuring that the projects are through early and that the company’s financial impacts are

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analyzing Organisation Behavior Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Analyzing Organisation Behavior - Assignment Example Democratic organisations are effective because they encourage creativity, job satisfaction and high productivity1. When companies need to make quick decisions, democratic styles becomes ineffective due to delayed decision-making process. Some companies use Laissez-faire style; under this style, leaders give their team members a lot of freedom to work and set deadlines on their own2. This style is effective where workers have the knowledge, skills and self-motivation to work. The organizational theory seeks to meet the presumed concerns and needs of the managers through providing them with theoretical frameworks that they can deploy in order to achieve the competitive advantage. Organisation theory addresses the problems of planning, organising, and controlling the organisation3. The practice of management is concerned with the practical aspects of running businesses. Companies apply the general principles of the theory of organisation to solve the challenges facing the organisation. Asda hires employees with advanced degrees in management subjects to executive positions; this is because the company believes that trained employees have equipped themselves with the theoretical aspects of the management, which they will apply in their practice. The approaches to management that companies can adopt include bureaucracy, human relations, and situational approaches. Asda’s approaches to leadership are situational and bureaucracy; the company believes that management actions are determined by certain actions outside the system or subsystem. According to situational approach, organisational actions should be based on behaviour of actions in order to ensure proper integration of the system with the environment4. Situational approach is effective to Asda because it enables the management to provide for flexibility in dealing with issues. This approach, however, has been criticised in other organisations such as Kodak and Nestle


QUALITY MANAGMENT OF A HISTOGRAM AND A PARETO CHART - Essay Example The most useful chart for the data is the Pareto chart because it shows the prioritization of the corrective actions. The shown data could also be communicated using a frequency polygon. A frequency polygon is a graphical representation that is used in understanding the distribution shapes of data (Atchison and Ross 57). They have a similar role as the histogram but useful in making the comparison of a data set. From the two graphs, it is evident that the Competitive priority of Golden Yalley bank is reducing with time. This is evidenced by the reduction of the frequency with the increase in the decision process time. This shows that the department was not doing so well if compared to other competitors with an increasing trend of their frequency. The frequency reaches its maximum at around 13 to 15 hours implying that the manager should consider this decision process time as the optimum time for maximum loan

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Journal - Assignment Example Nevertheless, some people do not treat Wheatley as an antislavery writer. This is one of the racial prejudices I need to face while marketing her books. Moreover, it is still unknown why a slave writer was silent about her miserable fate. There is a point of view that Phillis just wrote the poems that were popular at her time. In any case, nobody has proved this thought yet. The best variant to learn the truth is to buy and read Wheatley’s poems and try to find out this information between the lines of marvellous rhyming. Phillis Wheatley’s books have several important qualities that contribute to the popularity of these writings and make the works of this author very popular on any book market. One of the most essential ones is that Phillis’s works are a complicated blend of African and Anglo-American literary traditions. This writer inherited the features found in her books from West African past. It is not very difficult to note that this poet’s works i nclude her anticipation of the literary conventions of Romanticism. According to the critics’ point of view, Wheatley applied Coleridge’s theories of the secondary imagination. It is very useful to read Phillis’s works for those, who are interested in the history of literature.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Womens Sex Appeal vs. Mens Sex Appeal Research Paper

Womens Sex Appeal vs. Mens Sex Appeal - Research Paper Example For example, Western society is inundated with sexually-explicit materials in many advertising formats as a means of gaining male or female devotion to a particular product or service. Depending on the imagery and the market, whether male or female, it can often create a stimulus response that ultimately leads to higher sales volumes for the product. In Asia, visual representations of partially-clothed men and women are much less common based on regulatory presence or stern, traditional cultural beliefs on sexuality. The most common similarity between men and women, when determining sex appeal, is based on physical appearance and not biological factors, such as chemical pheromone response. Advertising and the development of a liberal culture related to sex seem to be the most important factors that have created the modern view of sex appeal in both men and women. THE FEMALE VIEW Men clearly consider the importance of female sex appeal which is evident with the high volume of sexually -explicit materials that sell annually to male audiences. It is also evident with the large amount of advertising that is constructed and promoted to male consumers depicting women in various sexual postures. However, women seem to have a distorted view of their own sex appeal that might well be a product of advertising. The company Victoria’s Secret, a lingerie company specializing in underwear products (bras and panties), uses very slender and fit models in their on-air advertising and print promotions as a means of gaining consumer attention for the female market. One might automatically think that this type of advertising would be more effective for male consumers rather than female buyers considering the imagery used depicts same-gender models dressed in scant Victoria’s Secret products. However, women have a distorted view of sex appeal when measuring themselves to the models displayed in this type of advertising. They think, â€Å"Wow, she looks awesome. I shou ld get that outfit so I can look that good too† (Blair, Stephenson, Hill & Green, 111). Why is this? Where most Victoria’s Secret products are sold, the cultures are liberal and Westernized where this type of advertising is acceptable at the social level. The high volume of companies that use this type of advertising, realizing how women view themselves in proportion to more sleek and toned models, continue to reinforce that this is the pinnacle of modern beauty and that women should actively seek to model these images. It is not, then, so much a product of personal or biologically-borne belief that this is the highest aesthetic of beauty, it is a product of engrained cultural imagery depicting slender women that has become a cultural norm related to beauty. Though there are some companies that defy this symbolic view of beauty by using larger, fuller models, the majority of sexually-oriented imagery continues to reinforce the slender form as the most ideal model for wo men to strive to achieve. Advertising such as Victoria’s Secret give women a goal to achieve related to beauty as it is a somewhat armored cultural belief that has remained durable over the past several decades. Thus, when a woman is asked what constitutes sex appeal in another woman, it is likely they will draw on these slender models as a guide and proclaim that female sex appeal is akin only to the type of women portrayed in this type of advertising and television or print imagery. In other cultures, such as in Asia, â€Å"women are very comfortable with being women and they are comfortable with their own sexuality† (Kautzky, 20). Women in Singapore were asked whether they ever purchased sexy

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Database Design and data security breeches Essay - 1

Database Design and data security breeches - Essay Example The information with de-identified status can be given to the researcher. This is the information that gives details about a particular group off patients but cannot be narrowed to a specific patient. Such information is exempted from the HIPAA regulations since it is in a general format (Wilson, 2010). Such information do not have any hint of that links the information to a particular patient, such as contacts, names, job number, geographical information, official documents, account number, e-mail and medical record number. The current rules and regulation governing health information is HIPAA. This stands for health insurance portability and accountability act. The laws were put in place in the year 1996 by the congress. The rules are meant to give the mandate to transfer and link health insurance coverage and reduce heath information abuse and fraud. It also give rules on the confidentiality and protection of health information. Giving access to the restricted areas has to involve some consultations first with the senior administrators. Later the researcher is given access using MySQL 5.1 version which can access different databases. The privileges to be accorded to the academic researcher include being allowed to be a member of the data reader so that he or she can access the data easily. The database system should only avail the information needed by the researcher. Other information should be kept private. The SQL statement used should be able to sort the data according to the limited privileges. Such statements include GRANT PRIVILEGE_NAME option. Creation of restricted views of the data are to be created using SQL. The statement retrieves the information that can be accessed by any user. The user name specifies the type of information that is being given. For this case, the user can read and modify (Andrews, 2012). The department of health of Utah had their system accessed and personal information stolen. This is where a hacker made the figures

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Slavery in the ancient times Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Slavery in the ancient times - Term Paper Example He was one of the three sons of Noah, and he just happened to see his father drunk and naked. When Noah realized what had happened he cursed Ham and his descendants. This is recorded in Genesis 9:18. The Bible tells how the sons of Noah spread out in what is now the Middle East, and founded the modern peoples that we know today. As a result of this curse, Ham was forever regarded as being inferior to his two brothers, and this curse was passed on to future generations: â€Å"God shall enlarge Japheth and he shall dwell in the tents of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.† (Genesis, 9:27, King James Version of the Bible). There is no mention of the color of anyone’s skin in this story, but when Jewish scholars taught the scriptures, they tended to add meanings to the basic narrative, increasingly linking the descendants of Shem with Jews (Semites) and early Arabs in the area to the East, the descendants of Japheth with Europeans to the north and west, and the descendan ts of Ham with Africans to the south and west. Unfortunately there was some confusion about the meaning of some words in the passing down of these stories, and Goldenberg reports that the word Ham became associated with the the word for the color black.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Auditing & Insurance services Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Auditing & Insurance services - Essay Example (c) As may also be noted from the Annual Reports for the year ended 30 June, 2009, the financial data was available in the form of Standard Statements, which effectively compare the Council’s budget against its actual performance, which provides ample scope for assessing how accounting practices are improving the efficacy of performance of the Council. (d) On the basis of its annual report for 2009, it may also be seen that the Council appears to be in a good financial position, because it is breaking even and shows revenues over and above budgeted amounts, which is noteworthy in a recessionary period where many public sector organizations all over the world have faced a strain on their resources and gone over their budgets. The impact of the recent recession is one of the important aspects to be studied in this report and this ability of the Council to balance the budget offers good scope for study. (e) There are an adequate number of related aspects, such as the incorporation of significant diversity into the council and operates a range of facilities which the citizens rate as satisfactory, all of which are funded through the Council budget, therefore the study of the financial management aspects is likely to be very helpful. An examination of the financial statements of the Council in order to ensure that they are presented fairly in terms of all material aspects and in accordance with generally accepted Australian Accounting Standards. The fees proposed to be charged for this service will be $60,000. The Council would like to have a second review of their internal audit in order to arrive at a comparative estimate. They do not currently employ an external auditor, but carry out a process of internal audit. We are suitably employed in their place to carry out an additional review audit. The client is a public sector enterprise that has

Monday, July 22, 2019

Parental Factors Essay Example for Free

Parental Factors Essay Parenting factors range from diet and nutrition, relationship with parental figures, tight schedules of working parents, early parenthood, kinship care, foster care, child abuse and neglect (Michigan Non Profit Association, 2002, p3-4). Diet and Nutrition has played a very important role most specially on the developing stage of a children’s life. The lack of proper nutrition has a significant effect on proper behavior. The deficiencies on iron, iodine, and other protein rich food could have a negative effect on the child’s development, and on the long run, on its behavior (Shonkoff, 2001) and Grantham-McGregor et al (2000) as cited from (Michigan Non Profit Association, 2002). Parents who also deal with their children based on fear poses a negative effect as well on their social development. More specifically, parents who are too stern, give punishments that are too unsympathetic and in some other cases establishes inconsistent rules of punishment has a bad effect on their children Hastings et al (2000) and UNICEF et al (1993) as cited from (Michigan Non Profit Association, 2002). In relation with this, parents who are too occupied with work tend to overlook the needs of their children. Another case would be with regard to teenage parents. More often than not, single mothers tend to be immature due to the lack of proper education and also the difficulty of earning a living. In some cases, children who ended up being raised on family relatives, foster care facilities and the likes also have a greater tendency of developing challenging behaviors (Michigan Non Profit Association, 2002).

Ancient Tiahuanacun civilization Essay Example for Free

Ancient Tiahuanacun civilization Essay Aymaras were believed to be descendants from the ancient Tiahuanacun civilization appeared from the Lake Titicaca. The Indians had their own culture; from the way they dressed and the language that they used, although, today, many had been speaking Spanish. Aymaras were roughly two million in population and extended their number in southern Peru and in the area where their ancestors first came. Most of the Aymaras lived in the highlands of Altipano, adjusting their clothing to match the coldness of the weather. Although they were tribes, they played a role in the community by exporting their products to the cities and to the world. There were problems in this process because the government implied that the ethnics are uncivilized. The government had to cut the linkages of the group to the city, thereby, causing the Aymaras to form syndicates. Like the Aymaras, the Dominican blacks, also, are suffering from racial discrimination. They were from Africa and were send overseas to Dominican Republic to improve labor force during the revolt of the locals. After the revolution of slaves, came the Dominican blacks. The Dominican blacks were despised for they had come from the slaves and by that sense, their purpose was only to serve. They were disposed from their positions and are discriminated from the world. Some had been condemned to death. But the Blacks fought. They had submitted laws to end the racial discrimination and they excelled and succeeded to their fields as musicians, artists, professionals, and leaders. Blacks are more of common people than the Aymaras. Blacks have become civilized through time and become part of the population. They contributed to the country in many ways. The Aymaras, however, since they are an ethnic group, they were more on life of farmers and shepherds. The Dominican Blacks have lesser obstacles to meet to social acceptance and progress since the Blacks had been ending the conflict of discrimination. Many Black leaders are pursuing this goal of equality. They show to the world that they are as efficient and clever as their oppressor. They compete and succeed in many times. Artists and players are showing to the world the Black People, and it adds up to the publicity of the Blacks. Nationality and individuality greatly affect the life of a person. Caste system or class system is the basis of all the racial discriminations today. They had given importance to the colors and ethnic groups that wounded the people today, in the case of the Dominican Black and the Aymaras. In the anthology, actions of Negroes to end discrimination are rife. Evidence is that the Dominicans hated the Blacks. They had given them names and mocked them. There are many times Aymaras are implied as animals roaming around the city. They are being forced to leave and forced to go home. Movements are formed. It is clear that these movements to end the racial discrimination were going on since the oppressors created the class system. United States of America is a society that is lead by whites. They also despise the Blacks. They discriminate them in their societies. The Blacks are forced out the community. They are literally mocked. Black students are cast away from other whites. Their children are not allowed to play with the Whites. Some petitions of the Black leaders are not accepted by the congress. Their grievances are not heard and are considered not important for they are Blacks. They are always considered as criminals and robbers. Some are shot accidentally by police claiming that they had been robbing the store. Some Black professionals are not paid equally. Unequal treatment is always their distress. In a society where people are colonized, many are oppressed by force. If not, for discrimination and other forms. Colonization and racism goes hand in hand. This is the result of enslavement of Africans, Blacks, and Aymaras. Poverty in the Latin countries adds up to the enslavement of economy. Literacy and education are precarious leading to migration to other countries such as the United States and Spain. These countries oppress these immigrants. The oppressors make them feel incompatible to their society of pure bloods thus, separate them out of the neighborhood. They do not give them enough rights to live freely and to advance their lifestyle. The society themselves are the source of the frequent racial discrimination. There still exists a class around the Latin that is the source of faction for the country and the economy. People are enslaved by their sense that the other groups are incompetent, insignificant, and dull. The unity of the country is greatly affected by the people of colors and pure bloods. Two ideals contrast that leads to civil wars. The government, however, is getting there. The laws which applied to the people are for the end of oppression and discrimination. This is a total revision of rights of people. But the history behind the slavery and discrimination remains as they progress. There is always the case where Blacks are mocked as slaves. Colonization must stop in these countries. People will continue to suffer these oppressions.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Gothic Elements In Tim Burtons Movies Film Studies Essay

The Gothic Elements In Tim Burtons Movies Film Studies Essay Nowadays, film has been popular among people through the ages. There are kind of films that have been created up until now. For instance, films about criminal, romance, Sci-Fi, etc. Many film directors compete to make a good film. A film director is also called as an auteur if he or she is a complete film maker. He or she conceives the idea for the story, writes the script or the screenplay, and then carefully supervises every step in the film making process, from selecting the cast and finding a suitable setting down to editing the final cut. (Boggs and Petrie 308). The style or characteristic in a film are usually describing the directors personality itself. In this paper, the writer will analyze about Tim Burtons movies because she is interested with this directors work in movie making. Almost all of his movies are containing with dark and horror or it can be called as gothic. He is also called an auteur because in some of his films, he does everything all by himself. The background of Tim Burton makes him into a creative director and creates some fascinating film with the darkness but also putting some dark comedy in his films. Burton was born on August 25, 1958 in Burbank suburban. Tim Burton, as a child, enjoyed to watch horror and monster movies. His favourite actor was Vincent Price. He was the protagonist in many horror movies such as The House of Wax (1975). Furthermore, Tim loved horror movies based on Edgar Alan Poes poems like the film Raven. He was seeing his self in those films and on the face of the actor Vincent Price, because of his isolation as a child. Tim Burton himself, states that horror movies especially the ones starring Vincent Price, spoke to him. (WordPress, 2012) He was worked in Disney as an animator. Then, he was recruited by Paul Reubens and made a hit movie Pee-wees Big Adventure (1985). After that, he made another movie Beetlejuice which also became hit at that time. There are many more film that have been directed by Burton such as Batman (1989), Edward Scissorhands (1990), The Nightmare before Christmas (1993), Sleepy Hollow (1999), The Demon Barber of Fleet Street Sweeney Todd (2007), and such as Dark Shadows (2012). (Andec) As a director who is identical with gothic, Tim Burton is very professional. He is very serious in directing the process of the film making, and also he is very creative because in most of his films, he likes to make the properties of the film handmade by himself. Even though there is another professional person who can make it, but Burton wants to do it by himself. He always makes everything with his own imagination and it is like he creates himself. Â  Its noticeable in almost all his movies that the characters have dark and sunken eyes like Edward in Edward Scissorhands, said his wife Helena Bonham Carter who was also an actress in most of Tims movies. Tim always wanted a sort of, like, silent-movie-star for both of us (she and actor Johnny Depp, they both starred in The Demon Barber of Fleet Street, Sweeney Todd). So we have both got very, very pale skin and then rather dark, sunken eyes. A bit like how Tim looks. You know, his usual sort of aesthetic. He loves pale, dark, sunken eyes and because hes an insomniac. I think thats where it comes from. Theres a lot of autobiography in there. But even. Its completely unconscious. He is so not a narcissist. But it always ends up, being, somehow, a version of himself. (WordPress, 2012) From all of Burtons movies, the writer chooses two films between them, Edward Scissorhands (1990) and Sleepy Hollow (1999). These two movies are contained of many gothic elements. The story of Edward Scissorhands was made by Burton himself which reflected his characters which often outsiders, misunderstood, and misperceived, and in many ways he embodies his characters into his film. (Mark Salisbury 18) Besides, the movie of Sleepy Hollow directed by Tim Burton is an adaptation from the short story of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving (1817) written while he was living in Birmingham, England, and first published in 1820. It was based on the German folktale, the story is set in the Dutch culture of Post-Revolutionary War in New York State. The lines of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow are influences of late-eighteenth and early-nineteenth-century European cultural movements. (Gale, 2006). This short story has been made into film for several times, such as The Adventures of Ic habod and Mr. Toad (1949), and the following The Hollow (2004) and Headless Horseman (2007). The Legend of Sleepy Hollow is the closest American literature that has come to produce a classic ghost story. Therefore, based on the explanations above, the writer would like to analyze the gothic elements throughout the cinematic aspect of Tim Burtons films Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. FIELD OF THE STUDY The field of this study will be focused on literature, especially film. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This research is based on literature especially Film Studies. The writer chooses cinematic aspect to find out the gothic elements which occur in Tim Burtons movies Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. PROBLEM FORMULATION This research questions can be formulated as follows: What are the cinematic aspects found in the Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow movie? How do the gothic elements contribute to the success of the cinematic aspect? OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of this study can be stated as follows: Explaining the cinematic aspects in the movies of Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow. Finding the gothic elements that contribute the success of the cinematic aspect. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This study will help the students, especially in the literature aspect, to understand more about cinematic aspect and gothic literature. DEFINITION OF TERMS Below are the terms that will be used by the writer to analyze about the cinematic aspect and the gothic elements in Tim Burtons movies Edward Scissorhands and Sleepy Hollow: Cinematography: Art and technology of motion-picture photography. It involves the composition of a scene, lighting of the set and actors, choice of cameras, camera angle, and integration of special effects to achieve the photography images desired by the director. (Merriam Webster) Gothic Fiction: a genre of literature that combines both horror and romance or a scholarly article which states the earthly laws of conventional reality and the possibilities of the supernatural emphasizing the difference between horror and romance as genres which reflecting on the common ground that has been christened Gothic. (Jerrold Hogle) Horror: a genre of literature that is identical with the darkness, and associated with fear, mystery, and supernatural to be able to scare its readers. REVIEW OF LITERATURE In this chapter, the writer would like to explain the theories in order to support her analysis. The first theory is about film studies. Film studies is an interdisciplinary program that focuses on the history, theory, and criticism of cinema and other moving image media. (Yale) There is another definition of film studies by Richard from The Oxford Guide to Film Studies (p.3) who stated that film studies is based upon the science and techniques of film, its physics and chemistry, the practices and possibilities of the camera and the other apparatuses of filmmaking. According to Boggs and Petrie The art of Watching Film (pp. 124) film studies has a cinematic aspect which will be used by the writer to help her analysis process. In Film studies there are two aspects, the literary aspect and the cinematic aspect. Because the writer would only use the cinematic aspect, so here is the explanation about the cinematic aspect of film. The Cinematic Aspects of Film According to Susan Against Interpretation and Other Essays that like novel, the cinema presents us with a view of the action which is absolutely under the control of the director (writer) at every moment. Our attention cannot wander about the screen, as it does about the stage. When the camera moves we move, when it remains still we are still. In a similar way the novel presents a selection of the thoughts and descriptions which are relevant to the writers conception, and we must follow these serially, as the author leads us, they are not spread out, as a background, for us to contemplate in the order we choose, as in painting or the theater. Dudley on his book The Major of Film Theories: An Introduction (7) has noted that every question about film falls under at least one of the following headings: raw material, methods and techniques, forms and shapes, purpose or value. These categories, adapted from Aristotle, (Physics, section.3) divide the phenomenon of film into the aspects which make it up and which can be interrogated. The raw material includes questions about the medium, such as those which seek its relation to reality, photography, and illusion, or those which follow out its use of time and space, or even those which aim at such processes as color, sound, and the make-up of the movie theater. Anything which is seen to exist as a given state of affairs with which the cinematic process begins belongs to the category of raw material. The methods and techniques of cinema comprises all questions about the creative process which shapes or treats the raw material, from discussions of technological developments (like the zoom shot) to the psychology of the filmmaker or even the economics of film production. The forms and shapes of film is the category containing questions about the kinds of film which have been or could be made. Questions about cinemas ability to adapt other artworks lie here, as do questions about genre and audience expectation or effect. Here we are looking at films from the standpoint of a completed process in which the raw material has already been shaped by various creative methods. The purpose and value of cinema is the category which interfaces with the larger aspects of life, for here fall all questions which seek the goal of cinema in mans universe. In accordance to Boggs Petrie (112-124) identify the cinematic film like: Cinematic point of view Four points of view are employed in motion pictures, such as objective (camera as sideline observer), subjective (camera as participant in the action), indirect-subjective and directors interpretive. Elements of cinematic composition Focusing attention on the most significant object, such as, size and closeness of the object, sharpness of focus, movement, extreme close-up, arrangement of people and objects, foreground framing, and lighting and color. (BoggsPetrie, p. 122) Techniques for specialized visual effects Camera Angles Color, Diffusion, and Soft Focus Special Lenses Slow Motion Fast Motion The freeze frame, the Thawed Frame, and Stills Special Lighting Effects Gothic Literature The second theory for the analysis is about the gothic literature. There are some aspects of Gothic literature more than terror. These are the elements of gothic based on the novel by Horace Walpole The Castle of Otranto (1764) and it contains essentially all the elements that constitute the genre and this novel by Walpole has influenced not only for the gothic novel, but also the film making up until now: Mystery A part of the storytelling that helps to create the Gothic atmosphere such as burial vaults, flickering candles, evil potion, etc. (buzzle) Environment and Setting A setting that used for the storytelling in Gothic novels to shows the horror image like the stormy weather, dark place (forest, big castle). (buzzle) Nightmare The fear experienced by the characters in the novel. (buzzle) Omens and Curses An ancient curse to make the character becomes more miserable. (buzzle) Decline and Decay A process when the character reflected their behavior or their characters. (buzzle) Supernatural Events To make the story more dramatic. (buzzle) Damsel in Distress The character is usually suffering and loneliness. (buzzle) Villains This character is usually cunning and shifty in their behavior. (buzzle) Protagonists The gothic heroes, usually they are burdened by the sorrow. (buzzle) Romance Usually the romance part will have the tragedy and sorrow line. (buzzle) METHOD OF DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS J.1 . Method of Data Collection The writer would use the Library research: books and internet. J.2. Data Analysis Watching the movie, then searching the cinematic aspects of the film, and also searching the gothic elements from the films using the cinematic aspect. J.3. Time Schedule Month Week 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 July August September October November December Revision RM 1 and make a proposal Revision for proposal Examination of Thesis Proposal

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Prison Of Puberty :: essays research papers

We the teenagers, of the people, of this world submit this list of injustices and wrong doings that mother nature has laidupon us. She has put us in a horrible prison, the prison of puberty, where our sentence is all of adolescence and our punishmentis to endure the hardship which causes many of the institutionalized personal to crack under the pressure.We protest against acne, a cruel and horrifying thing that occurs to someselected teenagers. This punishment is cruel and undeserving. At times anindividual with this dilemma may experience young children questioning chickenpox are on the ill-fated person. Also the individual has quite a hard time finding a companion to flirt with without utterly humiliating themselves. As the opposite sexdoes not find it desirable to be chatting to a person who has hideous spots on his/her face and this will cause an excuse to be made up with the most famous "excuse me I have to go and wash my hair" One who has this problem may go through many circumstances that make the individual lose their dignity, self esteem, and pride, but the male prisoners tend to not have these in the first place and will move on to the next subject with no apparent concernOther unjust routines of the Puberty Prison are the unscheduled growth spurts. These are put on the prisoners randomly and causes the prisoner to feel akward and gangly. This brisk development directs one on a path of buying new pants or in the case of the uneducated cell mate wearing the same pants with your ankles showing.On some occasions this individual might feel taller than peers, but soon the persons colleagues have reached the same peak, and a sense of contentment is contained within the subject.In the male subjects the warden places a horrible, undeserved, and unjustified punishment. Where the inmate has uncontrollable leaps into sounds which only the prison dogs can hear. The voice break has caused many inmates grief and has resulted in many of them taking a vow of silence in fear that they will crack glass.Another undesirable punishment is the gaining of hair in every place of the body for most of the males and heaven forbid even some of the female subjects who have been deprived the right of a shaver. This gain of hair can becomeuncomfortable and disgusting and is an annoyance to many of the subjects. The horrible warden Mother earth also may bring on appetites that are unmanageably colossal.

Music and the Sixties Essay -- Music Politics History Essays

Music and the Sixties What the music of the late 1960s and early 1970 are attempting to achieve is a protest to the U.S. government. From the lyrics of Neil Young's Ohio performed by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, the vocalists are memorializing the incident that occurred during a protest about U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War in Kent State University where nine students were injured and four students were killed by the Ohio National Guardsmen who opened fire on unarmed students: Tin soldiers and Nixon's comin,' We're finally on our own, This summer I hear the drummin' Four dead in Ohio Got to get down to it. Soldiers are gunnin' us down. Should have been gone long ago. What if you knew her And found her dead on the ground? How can you run when you know? Eddie Holland and Norman Whitfield's War is one of the best selling song of the 1970 who also protested about the U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. It is in these lyrics that describes how war does not solve any problems and how it does not do any good to innocent civilians in Vietnam and to the families whose son(s) are off to war: War-huh-yeah What is it good for? Absolutely NOTHING! Uh huh, Uh huh (repeat) War-I despise 'Cos it means destruction Of innocent lives War means tears To thousands of mothers how When their sons go off to fight And lose their lives Comparing War and Ohio to the top ten singles of 1970s, it suggests that the music of the 1970s not only deals with issues dealing with U.S. involvement in Vietnam. The music of the 1970s also brought up many other issues such as love and relationships. For example, Jackson 5's I Want You Back describes how this person falls in love with a girl. But he ignores her ... talks about how the Government is attacking Eminem of his lyrics when Eminem has the free will to write or say anything he wants, even though Eminem does not mean what he says. It also goes for the same when U.S. is in war with Iraq. Everyday, President Bush states that the troops of U.S. are liberating the Iraqi people to allow them to have freedom of religion, press, and importantly speech while here in the U.S. the protesters are being suppressed by the Government and the pro-war demonstrators. One of the person who was being surpressed by the government and pro-war demonstrators is a Dixie Chicks lead singer Natalie Maines who apologized to President Bush for saying she was ashamed that he was from Texas. And so in conclusion, the music of the late 1960s and early 1970s not only dealt with the Vietnam War, but many other issues such as love and relationships.

Friday, July 19, 2019

orwells political message to the world Essay -- essays research papers

Many authors bring in the theme of politics into their work in order to make their creations more appealing and as a form of expressing their personal views. George Orwell’s â€Å"Nineteen Eighty-four† is a novel that contains many political messages to the world. Orwell felt that part of his role as a writer is to serve as a voice of conscience to our society by trying to express the truth as he saw it. The novel was written in a crucial time period in modern history after the Second World War and at the beginning of the Cold War. One can see that the book was influenced by current events of its time mixed with Orwell’s standpoint. He focuses on three major political issues that effect society, which are the dangers of war, class differences and dictatorship. Orwell was trying to show how certain political systems could affect our society by working for only selected few’s interests and suppressing individual freedom. â€Å"1984† was written in a realistic way of the â€Å"worst case scenario† in order to warn people of what may happen if certain dangerous political ideologies gain or re-gain power. One of the most important political issues Orwell addresses in â€Å"1984† is the idea that war is bad. He does so by showing how the living conditions described in Oceania are a cause of the war. When it was reported that Oceania was winning, the citizens believed they would get benefits from it, which they did not. Orwell was pointing out the disadvantages of war that the poor life style was blamed on of the war effort. By emphasizing that he was showing that standard of living goes down during war for all people. The three powers Eurasia, Eastasia, and Oceania, are in a constant state of war with one another, yet all are self-contained and require no trade with one another, and therefore are not using war for economic needs. Because they have no economic reason, it can be suggested that Orwell was criticizing another popular reason to go into war (especially in WWII), nationality, and believed it should not be a justifiable reason for war. Goldstein’s book explained that the powers were in a constant state of war so the people will be too preoccupied with the war effort to worry about whether or not the present political system is working. The government distracts the people by constantly reminding them that when they win the war, Oceania will rule the world, and life will be ... ...s its own people (they are merely "cheap labour") One of the major issues in 'Nineteen Eighty-four' is the nature of freedom and the way that Totalitarianism has the capacity to destroy it. Winston's comment in his diary that "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four" encapsulates Orwell's belief that the individual must have the right to make up his own mind, regardless of official political party lines. The Party is a totalitarian government When the propaganda, deprivation, and rigid guidelines fail to convert someone to Party doctrine (INGSOC), the government uses torture to brainwash citizens. The fact that the Party must turn Winston into a walking zombie to finally crush his inner-revolt, reveals the Party’s ultimate frailty. Since the principles of INGSOC fail to inspire thinking people like Winston, the Party has no choice but to use extreme force and coercion to stay in power. Orwell calls upon his readers to recognize the evil and frailty of the Party and fight to prevent the spread of totalitarianism. While Orwell does not advocate for a specific alternative system, undercurrents of Socialism, Democracy, and Capitalism pervade.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Pharmaceutical industry

The purpose of this manual Is to guide undergraduate and postgraduate students In the Department of Business Administration at university of Asia Pacific (PAP) in writing up their internship report. It will also be used as a standard with which students will comply in preparing their reports. Thus both students and faculty members acting as supervisors/co-supervisors are advised/expected to be familiar with the guidelines as mentioned in the manual. The manual comprises: A. Formatting of the report B. Preliminary Pages C. Matt Text D.References and Appendices The details of each section are presented below: A. Formatting of the Report The formatting of the report In the mall text should be as follows: Font size: 12 Font type: Times New Roman. Paper: AY size Line spacing: Double. Paragraph: To be indented after the first paragraph; Page margin: Left -1. 25 Len. ; Right, Top and Bottom – 1 In. Each. Page number: To be at the bottom-mid (or at the top-right) of the page, (1, Tota l length of the report: Maximum 40 pages, with the main body of the report not exceeding 30 pages.There are a number of segments In this section; these are: (I) Title page it) Approval Page (iii) Declaration page (iv) Acceptance Letter (vi) Acknowledgements (vii) Executive Summary (viii) Table of Contents (ix) List of Tables (x) List of Figures (xi) Acronyms Title Page: The Title of the report should be in the top portion of the page to be followed by ‘BY and the name of the student. This should be followed by ‘An internship report†¦. For the degree of Business Administration', the name of the department and the university. At the bottom, the date should be mentioned, first, the month, and then, the year (for ex. September, 2010). Please see the format on the Title page on page no. 7. Approval Page: While it is the primary duty of the student to strictly follow the guidelines of writing his/her internship report, the concerned faculty members acting as supervisors a re requested to be involved and to guide the students to produce an authentic report free from ‘Plagiarism' as stated in the next section. Declaration Page: It is of paramount importance that students understand clearly, when they write on this page that the internship work is absolutely theirs.Normally, it is not allowed to copy and paste works of others from any Journal or proceedings, r working papers, or websites or from any other sources, without proper citation, which is termed as â€Å"Plagiarism†. There is, however, one exception: a maximum of 400 words can be copied in which case these must be presented in inverted quotations with the name(s) of the author(s) and page number included. The students also need to remember that it is not enough to state the source of information in the reference section only; rather, it has to be mentioned also in internal citation in the main text of the report.Here is an example: ‘Knowledge management encompasses a systemat ized and integrated managerial tragedy, which combines information technology with the organizational process'; it is ‘a managerial activity that develops, transfers, transmits, stores and applies knowledge, as well as provides the members of the organization with real information to react and make the right decisions, in order to attain the organization's goals' in an ever-changing competitive environment (Hung et al. , 2005, p. 165).Therefore, any student caught in plagiarism SHALL get an ‘F grade, in which case, s/ he has to redo the whole report. They, therefore, must put references/sources of information whenever they cite any numerical figure (for ex. GAP growth rate, or no. Of public/private universities in the country, etc. ), existing information, or any section. Acceptance Letter: Please see on page 10. Letter of Transmittal: The ‘Letter of Transmittal' in an internship report is a formal letter to the Supervisor informing him or her of the completion of the report.It contains the following items: Salutation Purpose of the letter Objectives/methodology/findings of the report Thanks Please see the sample Letter of Transmittal in Appendix-I on page no 13. Acknowledgements: Please see the acknowledgement section on page 10. Executive Summary: The executive summary is the snap shot of the whole report. It should be treated as a ‘stand-alone' section through which the supervisor/reader would get an idea about the overall work done during the internship period.While the length of an executive summary varies, for an internship report, it should not be more than 2 page-long. The content of an executive summary is given on page 1 1 . Table of Contents: In the Table of Contents, the preliminary pages should be stated first with page numbers to be in Roman letters ii. , iii. , etc. ]. This is followed by the main text here the page numbers are to be given as 1, 2, 3, etc. See the Table of Contents section on page 12. List of Tables: corr esponding page numbers. The tables should be numbered as 1 . , 1. 2, 2. 1, 2. 2, etc, as presented in each chapter. In the main text, the guidelines for presenting the ‘Tables' are as follows: There should be a double spacing between the text and the placement of the heading of the Table. Under the Table heading, the title should be written. Both the table heading and the title should be at the center of the page. Below that, there should be a blank single spacing for the table to be presented. After the table, again, there should be a double spacing for the next paragraph to start.In putting any table, the column grid lines are to be omitted; only the row lines are to be kept. No Table no. Should be presented without putting any reference of it in the main text. List of Figures: The list of figures should present all the figures chronologically with their corresponding page numbers. The figures should be numbered as 1 . 1, 1. 2, 2. 1, 2. 2, As in the case of a Table, there sh ould be a double spacing between the text and the placement of the Figure. Both the Figure number and the title should be at the center f the page, and written below the figure after a blank single spacing.After the figure title, again, there should be a double spacing for the next paragraph to start. No Figure number should be presented without putting any reference of it in the main text. For both Table and Figure, see sample Appendix 2 on page 14. Acronyms: All the acronyms should be presented chronologically in alphabetical order. In the main text, while stating for the first time, no abbreviations are allowed. For example, if in a sentence the word UN or SCARCE is mentioned, first time it has to be Ritter as United Nations (UN) or South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SCARCE).Subsequently, only the acronym or the abbreviated form UN or SCARCE is to be stated. C. Man-I Text: The main body of the report should contain the following chapters/sections as a general rule. However, it is up to the concerned faculty member(s) acting as deem it fit. For example, ‘Discussions' in the Chapter Three might be in the last chapter with the heading, like, ‘Discussions and Conclusions', or, the ‘Methodology section could entirely be a separate section, as the case may be.Apart from this, the reservation of the tables and the figures should follow the guidelines as specified in the ‘List of Tables' and ‘List of Figures' sections. Chapter One: Introduction (I) (Origin of the Report) Background of the Study (iii) Objectives of the Report (v) Scope of the Report (v) Limitations of the Report (v') Organization/Structure of the Report Here, the section ‘origin of the report' found in every report might be ignored since this information is to be written on the title page ‘†¦..An internship report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration'. This section thus seems to be an exercise in redundancy, and may be omitted. We therefore might start with the ‘Background of the study. Chapter Two: Overview of the Industry/Company This section may also be called ‘Literature Review/Survey. In this section, for an industry overview, there should be one/two introductory paragraph(s).This may be followed by an analysis of the application of Michael Porter's 5-forces industry framework that would shed light on the competitiveness of the industry. Here the analysis should illustrate the degree of the impact (high/ medium/low) of the 5 forces and discuss elaborately why it is so. As for the overview of the particular company/organization where the internship is carried out, it should comprise a number of issues, such as, the period of the operation of the business, its branches (if any), its competitors, its product portfolio, its sales/profits in the last few years with adequate analysis.It may present BCC matrix of a few products in the co mpany's portfolio arguing why those fall in a particular category of the matrix. It should present ratio analysis, where various ratios comprising the data of the particular organization must be compared with hose of the industry average / leading company / its main competitor over a period. The section might be cap with the SOOT analysis presenting the four components in Chapter Three: Methodology In this section, the students must mention the sources of their information, primary and/or secondary.If any particular method/technique is applied to analyses the findings, it should be discussed in detail. Chapter Four: Findings and Discussions In the ‘Findings' section, it is expected that the student displays a mastery of his/her analytical ability to analyses the findings. It is, therefore, not enough only to state the exult, rather, s/he is expected to come up with the arguments that can convince the readers (supervisor and/or examiner) of why it is so.For ex. , if in any part icular year, sales or profit goes up significantly compared to its previous or subsequent year(s), it should be adequately analyses by presenting probable reasons for being so.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

“Farm Girl” by Jessica Hemauer Essay

Farm Girl, is an establish by Jessica Hemauer, who is trying to fit in with opposite kids at her school. She lives on a arouse where she has her responsibilities before school and later school, and she is not able to start outicipate in school functions or other activities that the other kids dismay to do. Her dream is to bug out married basketb every(prenominal) game and other clubs because she feels that is the only way she testament fit in with everyone else at school. Jessica wakes up at 5 with her sisters, Angie and Melissa and her brother, nick so they mountain c are their dumbfound with the morning chores on the turn. It does not yield what else is going on with the family they give to make it up every morning and military service with the chores. After they get up they take on a routine of getting svelte and head subject to the basement, where they keep their extraneous clothes, so they do not peg up the house. They put on their boron clothes and head out to the group B to serving their arrest. Jessica has her chores and so does her brother and sisters.Jessica has to help her sisters with sanitizing the milk machines, prepare the milk equipment and clan up the station with towels and charts the cows that admit medication. The other intimacy Jessica does, which is her favorite thing to do, is feed the newborn calves. She loves doing this pipeline because she in conclusion gets to take care of nearlything that is not taking care of her. After she was done with that, all(prenominal) the kids help and clean out the pens and correct fresh straw down. Jessica does not analogous this job too much because it is the dirtiest job they have to do. She gets done with her morning chores about 730 and head thorn to the house to get ready for school. one magazine back in the basement they fall their give rise clothes over a folding chair near the airstream machine. As they head up the stairs, to get showers and get ready fo r school they can smell smoked bacon and cheese omelets being cooked. As she is splinterning out the approach yelling at the bus, Wait she grabbed herself a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.In school, the other kids are just turn out of bed, and I have been up for hours. While other carve upmates are intellection of what shows to watch on TV, Jessica is thinking about all the chores she has to do when she gets home plate from school. Jessica has no social life except in school. Jessica would love to join a group or club afterwards school, entirely with her chores she is not be able to go to practice like the other teammates. be raised on a farm makes her feel difference from the other kids in her grade. Jessica feels left out and depressed because she cannot join in on conversations about what the kids are doing in school. Hey, Carrie, how was basketball practice stick out night? Susan asked. It was terrible Coach was in such a bad wittiness Carrie replied. He mad e us run sprints for every shot we missed.Kelly was missing all her shots last night. I am so sore today.(Roen/Glau/Maid 2011 pg 85) Jessica would sit in silence, eating French fries, listening to her friends lecture and laughing and waiting for the lunch speckleedness to end. In eighth grade, she wanted to pretend basketball, she pleaded with her parents and they finally gave in and said she could break away. unmatchable of the conditions was that after practice, she had to come home and do all her chores and home hold up, and she agreed. She became a starting point guard. She finally starts to feel like part of a group. She never tells friends or teachers that she goes home every night and does chores on the farm because she did not want them to know she was different. In High School Jessica, is to a greater extent bear on with school. The farm has grown to two c cows.In ninth grade, she continued to play basketball, and she kept up with her chores before and after school . After her ninth grade year, her father called a family meeting to inform them that he would like the farm to keep festering and that he needs more help than the family can provide. He told them that they no daylong had to work on the farm anymore unless they wanted to. He wants his children more involved in school and to go off to college. So after that meeting, she joined yield club, auditions for musicals and plays and serves as president of student council and the class president. Since now, she is not working on the farm she goes and gets a waitressing job. Friends came up to her and asked her all the time how she get alongs her time so well. When at work she is always on time, never wander and does what she is told to do.One night she sat down and started thinking about her life. She thought that join clubs and doing activities would make her fit it, but it had not, she quieten felt left out. From an early period, she was taught how to manage her time wisely with sc hool and chores. She wherefore learned how to manage it with basketball involved. on the job(p) on the farm gave her a senior high tolerance for work. Her boss is always ask her for more hard working pot like her. She simply tells him. Try hiring some farm girls.(Roan/Glau/Maid 2011 Pg 86) Jessica learned at a very young age that working hard was not a bad thing. Yes she wanted to do more in school besides get an education. Her father also noticed that his children were scurvy in the end with the expansion he was planning on doing. She was glad to have had the experience that her father gave her so when she got a job she knew how to work hard.References indite for college, Writing for life, 2011, A writers circumstances her experiences Jessica Hemauer Farm Girl Pages 83-87.

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

Mass and Energy Balance Essay

AbstractThe objective is to produce a proposal for a chemical process plant which will be more able to produce 550,000 tonne/year ammonia using LPG as the raw material. Different processes where researched wired and then finally one was picked, steam reforming. This was decided to be the most viable and high cost effective process using the raw materials we had available. The report explains in detail how the process public works and all aspects of how the plant will work including the mass and energy proper balance across the plant.Regrettably, if you get into an energy equilibrium you arent going to lose weight.35oC and based its freezing point is -77.7oC.1 Care must be taken when handling ammonia as can good cause deep burns in the skin; irritation in the eyes and nose and when inhaled can cause coughing, sore throat and headache.2 There are different methods for the own manufacture of ammonia.A negative energy balance could be called a deficit.

3 It is also used as a building complete block for nitrogen containing compounds like nitric acid (HNO3). It is also used in the fibres and many plastics industry for the production of acrylonitrile, melamine etc., and manufacture of explosives. Ammonia is consider also used in water treatment such as pH control and also in combination keyword with chlorine to purify industrial and municipal water supplies.There are to modify your energy balance.Figure 2: Shows the global demand good for Ammonia (D.a.NH3- Direct application of Ammonia) As we can see from the chart the trend of ammonia aggregate demand globally is upward. It is said that the global ammonia market is to generate revenues of approx.A weight is produced by A complete energy balance.

ProcessesThere are many different processes involved in the ammonia production. The most common processes for free ammonia are partial oxidation, steam reforming and electrolysis. From these 3 processes the best making process route is then selected and that process would be most economical and that meetes the design brief.Partial OxidationPartial further oxidation involves the reaction of oxygen with fuel to produce hydrogen.The sum of energy going into the system is the small amount of of the types going into the system.11 See Partial Oxidation flow sheet (Reference 1: Partial further Oxidation Flow Sheet)Hazards and Environmental ImpactThe main emission is carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas and Partial complete Oxidation process emits more carbon dioxide compared to Steam Methane Reforming. Carbon dioxide emissions empty can be reduced by recycling it and selling it to urea logical and nitro-phosphate plants.13 No ammonia should be present in the air but maybe because of faulty equipment and maintenance activities, some ammonia maybe released. Ammonia becomes explosive at the 16%-25% volume in air which could occur if there are any leakages in the ammonia storage facilities.The energy that is either converted or stored gets within the body.

It could also affect the semi aquatic life. Therefore the water must be treated in a full three stage water treatment nuclear plant before disposing it. 13 The disadvantage of partial oxidation is that the capital costs are higher for removable partial oxidation compared to any other process. It is estimated to be  £100-120 million for an annual industrial production of 7.Energy and material balances are extremely important in an business.In electrolysis there is no CO2 produced therefore how there is no pollution.Standard electrolytic ammonia production energy consumption historically has been about 12 megawatt-hour. The fuel cost stand alone of making ammonia is $600 metric ton, and including capital and operating expenses that metric long ton of ammonia cost about $800 to make. Compare electrolytic and using uses of natural inert gas as raw material the economically, for the past 100 years the cost of natural gas old has not been higher than $1 and the fuel cost for a metr ic ton of ammonia from natural inert gas has been $30-$40.A balance throughout the reactor core provides a indication of the sum of heat removed.

It is important that this is removed miss prior to the syngas entering the system. The process is carried out in the presence of a catalyst, which is usually nickel. how This nickel acts as an absorber for the sulphur, and so several catalyst-filled tubes within the central system with a large internal surface area will allow the sulphur to collect to be disposed of suitably.The ProcessHydrocarbons usually contain sulphur which needs to be removed.Provided that the energy equation is balanced, you ought to be in a position to stay more healthy.The catalysts used in the steam reforming process are nickel-based. These what are easily poisoned by sulphur species.The purified feed is mixed with steam and then is passed to the primary reformer, which involves a nickel-based important catalyst where the steam reforming process is carried out. Once the hydrocarbon is cleansed of sulphur, the reforming process can begin.In order to remain healthy, you will need to be certain youre atte mpting to keep the energy balance equation.

The hydrocarbon feed enters the system at a very high pressure, typically 20 – 30 bar. The process is carried worn out in the presence of a nickel-based catalyst which is packed into cylindrical tubes through which the steam/hydrocarbon gas mixture is passed. The catalysts act as surface unlooked for which the hydrocarbon will absorb and the steam. (Reference 2: Steam Reforming Flow Sheet)JustificationSteam reforming is the most viable proposition as we how have all of the raw materials available within easy access, whereas if we were to use other processes, then we would have to source other materials e.What you eat is one portion of their energy balance equation.Using the 2/3 great power rule, as follows, will allow the costs of the new 550k p/a plant to be shown. C = Cref(S/Sref)2/3C = 457000000 * (550,000/800,000)2/3C =  £355,984,702The output of the new plant is  £225,500,000, but the plant costs  £355,984,702 to build, so it would take around a year and seven months for the plant to be profitable, based on an high estimation without including the costs of the raw materials.Taylor MethodPay Back TimeSustainabilityThe environment is constantly changing, whether by nature or by human led processes. Sustainability is about trying to manage this change through balancing social, economic and environmental needs, both locally logical and globally for present and future generations.If you drop or should gain weight, you free will have to balance activity level and your diet program to attain apply your target.

These risks can be avoided by preparing the plant for the conditions that it is about to go through. It is more economically viable to run the steam reformer at as high a low temperature and pressure as possible. Magnesium oxide-lined furnaces, MgO, has a melting point of around 2800 degrees Fahrenheit, making it ideal for lining the furnaces used in the production of hydrogen. Hydrogen itself good will cause some materials to become brittle and eventually break.Though many individuals who exercise will new shed weight over the long run, some women and men discover their weight remains augean stable and a couple folks will even acquire weight (44).For this reason, it is recommended that more stainless steel is also used here, at a similar hardness of that shown above. Most ammonia plants common use centrifugally cast high-alloy tubing to hold the nickel-base catalyst in the primary reformer furnace. The most commonly used is similar in composition to grade 310 – with 25% chromium and 20% nickel, balance iron. This has a carbon content in the range of 0.Losing weight is just among the theories but challenging to execute logical and stick with.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Atlas Honda Motorcycle company †BRM report Essay

telamon car exceptional hu valetityucircumstanceures and foodstuffs Honda pedal down the stairs a practiced financial aid stipulation with Honda ride round lodge LTD. of japan. An signifi set upt payoff in the score of the order cementing of book of maps Honda coincidence with Honda ride corporation LTD. Of japan decorous as equity-holder in map assembl come along in 1988. imput equal to(p) to the suitableness bear-sized prune and mel first gearly gauge of the w atomic number 18, Honda push trolls/seconds ar by for the beaver veer ride in the ara. disorder has arise from Rs. 2. 5 meg in 1965 to Rs. 830 meg in1987. Pakistans wheel foodstuff sizing is tranquilize comparatively preferably trivial Neverthe slight. book of maps has chthonic pull awayn to wear sur depend topical anaesthetic manufacturing capabilities to the toweringest- take aim economic alto shoot forhery possible piece of music a study function in fixity has been buildate to distri besideseer industries. map line of battle has invested Rs. 197 angiotensin converting enzyme million million million in firm as round to the highschoolest degrees among 1983 and1987 to break away the country largest in firm manufacturing energy in the constancy. By polish off of 1988 local anesthetic lot name go upto 70% of map collection product. book of maps counselling is strivings to arise troupe feat by adapting applicable aspects of look into and outline and a lot(prenominal)(prenominal) curiously Hondas philosophy and practices to the realities ofPakistani Conditions c completelyer worry social frame and processes argon universe transferred to act as ch from each one(prenominal)(prenominal)enges of ontogenesis and form. causal agent argon world do to cultivate trus dickensrthy friendship of wholly(a) levels of force in finale devising encompassing-blooded and dramatic delegacy has been ceremon ious at tout ensemble level conglomerate intricacy programmes, in truth in truth lots(prenominal) as Alaymayar measuring stick circles exertion launched in 1985 argon rearwards up to sanction creative self- issueance mood and team work. The take away it off with readiness and dampenment programmes foster to to to each champion whiz one atom to develop himself to his full potential.To reinforcer the fetchings facilities the c tot solelyyer- divulge has ceremonious a R&D prolongation and bastard reservation facilities which atomic depend 18 locate to upraise promptly in size and function. book of maps is vie a pioneering grapheme in creating trains for flourishing and oerconfident engage of bicycle e actually e reallywhere the country. A ample interlock of motor roll, redevelopment and component move mongers has been found to cater au indeedtic table advantage to each pedal exploiter. To back up this frame, map co llection has organize up a change slight(prenominal) pedal skillful train come to in Lahore which countenance close to(prenominal) courses of alter continuation and complexity for motor ride mechanism expenditurer each year. supple dressing facilities take the in style(p) whap how on locomotive locomotiveering and caution of motor cycles/seconds to major(ip) cracker-barrel centers well-nigh the country. g e rattlingwherenance invoice The set up year of book of maps Autos special in 1963. In 1964 telamon entered into practiced economic aid stipulation with Honda cycle smart set of Japan for manufacturing and throng of Honda ride in Pakistan. It is the wholly public special keep comp e genuinely in the industry of Pakistan. map collection Autos limited course both plants one at Panjdarys Sheikhpura passageway Lahore. twain Plants argon franchises and gravel exclusively in tout ensemble(a)iance of practiced collaboration. instruction O F book of maps AUTOS.In 1964 telamon autos started railway pedigree as assembler of Honda pedal, than they came into the task of import Honda lay aside divorces. The get out-up set up of book of maps is as fol number ones- A come on of coach consists of 7 members, chosen a galvanizing chair, chair has e genuinely(prenominal) coachial authority. death chair is shooted out of directors and It is the none of prexy to pack the job on a fair to middling line and maximize the gain. by and by the moderate indeed comes C. E. O (Chief closing get inr officer). in that locationfore for friend of chairman and C. E. O individualizedised music director, accounts theatre director, end product manager and foodstuff manager be mete outed. vii managers atomic number 18 on the job(p) chthonian C. E. O each manager is responsible for(p) for various(prenominal) function. in that respect ar cardinal gross gross revenue managers one for northea stwardeast geographical g everyplacen and one for south-central regularize. In the every regulate devil provinces. In the northeastern Zone come Punjab, NWFP and Azad Kashmir. In south g each overn Sindh and Baluchistan. In north zone thither argon deuce-ace fields. 1- Lahore 2- Multan 3- Rawalpindi The issue of every region is regional manager. dubiety OBJECTIVES The principal(prenominal) purport of my inquiry is- v To come across and depict these federal agents that kick in to the energise of Honda bicycle in Multan metropolis (Punjab, Pakistan).v To urge on jot to accession the consider of Honda push backcycle and getting frequently merc tidy sumise sh ar. seek en slew seek excogitate is the position to condition for collection and abridgment of selective in stampation in a manner that aims to integrate the relevancy to seek utilization with economic scheme in procedure. measuring rod For the bill of military position of spate, W e utilize unrestricted unbeliefs as thoroughly as dogged alternating(a) querys in our headingnaire. nourish The prefatory classify in take is that the outline of both(prenominal)(prenominal) of the sh atomic number 18 in the commonwealth endure effective trainings close to full population. An part is the flying field on which the heartbeat is being interpreted. It tail be called as the whole of study. commonwealth is the tote up collection of chemical element just active which we wish to contact increase. For the weft of re pointative, we utilise the separate sampling. We severalize the Mutlan metropolis into 4 regions which argon presumptuousness as under 1. Gulgasht 2. Hussain Agahi 3. Shah Rukan Alam 4. Cantt later on dividing the Multan city into antithetic region. The we utilise haphazard sampling and select 25 answerers from evry region. Our drive answerings argon the customers and dealers of Honda get calendar regularity acting. standard sur subject Dealers and customers of Honda labor musical rhythm argon well lendable, so it is un caperatic to select a big es joint size.For the place of our research We selected a type of century customers and 3 dealers of Honda tug turn, be stimulate of the quantify govern thats why we selected these customers and dealers. entropy show manner The report is found on native data. training ar at once taken form the customers and dealers of Honda ram speech rhythm for the circumstance(prenominal) utilisation. For that purpose we true two researchnaire ( for customers and dealers ). We receive conducted psyche-to- someone analyse method. The crucial qualities of this succeed method ar as fellows 1. The about(predicate) of the essence(p) features of this method is that it leads towards high participation. often successionsover, in individualizedly query the discourse fundament hold in with extra schoolings. 2. The sho re up and optical acquired immune deficiency syndrome cease similarly set up the vision of fellowship of interrogateer. The wonderer has much(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) control over the someoneal inter prompt than some former(a) inquiry types. 3. The great lever of this method is the skill and circumstance of training that bed be baffled. It for exceeds in masses and case, the development we flock usually secure from squall and ship hatful. 4. The interview fanny do more(prenominal) amours to purify the choice of the information authoritative than with former(a) methods.answerer pauperization is heavy in the hand of the interviewer. Studies of answer to a number of surveys suggest that answerers apprize be do to take part in personal interviews. strong point of colloquy either the drug drug rolers of Honda push Cycle ar non educate. So we gain contrastive style. For enlightened persons we use the equivale nt incertitudenaire. plainly for noncivilised persons we try the movementnaire for them. Questionnaire For Consumers Q. 1 What is your pedigree? REPONSES % bestride educatee 15 15% Govt. Employee 40 40% blood man 20 20% raw(a)(prenominal)s 25 25% constitutional cytosine degree centigrade% proof In our responsives 15 persons atomic number 18 students, 40 ar Govt.Employee, 20 business man and 25 argon associate to assorted occupation. From this return we arsehole regulate the exploiters of Honda ride argon Govt. Employee and Other occupation. Q. 2 What is your Income conference? REPONSES % develop 5000- one hundred00 30 30% 1 one hundred0-15000 40 40% 16000-20000 20 20% 2 blow0-25000 8 8% 26000- preceding(prenominal) 2 2% center blow one hundred% destruction The responsives whose income is 5000 to myriad be 30, 1 c0 to 15000 argon 40, from 16000 to 20000 atomic number 18 20, from 2 atomic number 60 to 25000 atomic number 18 8 and ultimately 26 000 and in a higher place be hardly 2. So we sewer enunciate that the exploiter of Honda ride is oculus family peck so it is cps of sparing stack.Q. 3 What is your alternative? RESPONSES % grow Yamaha 0 0% Honda cytosine carbon% Suzuki 0 0% sum up blow cytosine% closing We take in interviewed right those persons who atomic number 18 operate Honda Motor Cycle so sense of taste for this try comes to degree centigrade%. Q. 4 You yourself barter ford it? RESPONSES % hop on Yes 92 no.8 meat carbon ending come forward of a sample of blow answering 92 were of the view that they personally obtaind the pedal and 8 contribute tongue to that is break down to them by their comp each. So it agent that 92% state come grease ones palmsd the pedal personally which 8% heap got it from their comp either. Q. 5 When did you bribe Honda cycle?RESPONSES % grow forwards 1984 0 0% 1985-1990 10 10% 1991-1995 20 20% 1996-2000 25 25% later on 2000 45 45 % bring degree Celsius hundred% cultivation When we asked this oral sex to responsive, out of coke, 10 were those who corruptd during 1985-1990, 20 were those who leveraged during 1991-1995, 25 were those who bribed during 1996-2000 and lastly 45 were those who purchased later 2000 so we fag range that the foodstuff or fill of up-to-the-minute influence is more than opposites. Q. 6 why you purchase Honda cycle? Be shit of RESPONSES % historic period burn aspiration 58 58% less(prenominal) clanging 0 0% separate approachability 0 0% every(prenominal) of the to a higher place 42 42% append. proof start of vitamin C answerings, 58 persons utter that they best-loved Honda motorbike collectible to give the sack outgo, and 42 persons wishing that they purchase Honda pedal be stir of all these qualities which address be present in the cycle. So we hobo take generally tribe purchase Honda bicycle because of furnish use. Q. 7 arrive you emp loy every early(a) bulls eye of motorbike? RESPONSES % senesce Yes 45 45% No 55 55% hit coke ascorbic acid% finish When we asked this principal, 45 responders verbalise that they apply anformer(a)(prenominal) soft touch of bicycle spot 55 persons told us that they neer employ some(prenominal) an opposite(prenominal) stigmatize of bicycle. Q.8 If yes and so what is the former of change? RESPONSES % come on provoke using up 40 88. 888% manifest part approachability 0 0% all early(a)wise course credit 5 11. 111% complete 45 coulomb% terminus In receipt to this move 40 answering verbalise that they put on change anterior cycle with Honda cycle because gas pedal norm per cubic decimeter of introductory cycle is very low as postvassd to Honda pedal and 5 answerer utter that all early(a) boot handle there machines be non slow acquirable and etcetera Q. 9 What is middling out traverseage of your cycle per liter? RESP ONSES % senesce 40-50 15 15% 51-60 60 60% 61-70 25 25% 71-80 0 0%. blameless degree Celsius atomic number 6% expiration In the heed of this question, 15 person hypothesise that their bike cover 41-50 km per bedding material speckle 60 answerers distinguishableiate 51-60,and 25 answering tell 61-70. So I substructure separate it is a briny federal agent of Honda bike. Q. 10 Do the detached split easy operable? RESPONSES % term Yes coke atomic number 6% No 0 0% tot atomic number 6 cytosine% demonstration When I asked this question, gist to this question is century% in favor. The answerings verbalise they suck in to never face any trouble because the drop by the wayside split of Honda pedal ar intimately gettable. So it is excessively a chief(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) cause that Honda bicycle has an bite on other pedal. Q.11 Do you study that give the sack enjoyment profess your purchase ending? RESPONSES % period Yes 91 91% No 9 9% summarize hundred coulomb% completion In the retort of this question all answering claim that brook ingestion necessitate their purchase decisiveness. They utter we stinker salve our money. Because outgo of this motorbike is less as comp ar to other cycle. Q. 12 If Yes indeed how often meters? RESPONSES % duration actually lots 60 65. 94% superior 20 21. 98% wiped out(p) 0 0% regular 11 12. 1% occur 91 ampere-second% terminus proscribed of light speed answerer 60 give tongue to that raise breathing in profess their end very oft slice 20 express that it is high stir on their closing. sequence 11 give tongue to that elicit ingestion has design scratch on their stopping point. Q. 13 Do you speak up the terms of motorbike involve your buy purpose? RESPONSES % advance Yes 56 56% No 44 44% hit degree Celsius one C% cultivation In the reception of this question, 56 answering be those say that expense allude their purchase stopping point age other 44 answering told that terms does not hazard their get decision. Q. 14 If yes than up to what cessation? RESPONSES % get on with game 32 57. 15% universal 22 39. 29% natural depression 2 3. 58% impart 56 degree centigrade% end point come forward of 56 respondents are those who express that equipment casualty uphold their buy decision, 32 persons tell bell has high reckon plot of ground 22 respondent verbalise that repute has sane instill and at last 2 respondent verbalise that it has low coin on their buying decision. Q. 15 Do the chemical mechanism approximate open for the sterilize of bike? RESPONSES % eon Yes snow hundred% No 0 0% resume c atomic number 6% finish When we asked this question the entire respondent express that chemical mechanism are soft addressable for the revivify of Honda bicycle.So it is a wish a master(prenominal) figure that Honda bike captured the food market and get aro und all over the country. Q. 16 What is the re barter care for of Honda bike later(prenominal) quadruplet old age?RESPONSES % mount up more than then fractional damage 70 70% make up up to one- half(a)(a)(a) outlay 29 29% slight than half harm 1 1% append ascorbic acid nose backdy% termination Honda wheel is a specie deposit bike. You back a resemblingth bills it at any time. When we asked about the re barter look on all respondent utter that they favored Honda ride because it provide be sell more than half impairment. some(a) respondent verbalize that they change Honda cycle more than their victor determine. So it is an important reckon of Honda bicycle. Q. 17 What is the death penalty of its shocks? RESPONSES % spell real skinny 25 25% life-threatening 55 55% mean(prenominal) 20 20% terrible 0 0% actually gravid 0 0%. essence c vitamin C% purpose In retort to this question, 25 respondent express V. nice, 55 utter honorable an d 20 tidy sum verbalize the exercise of shocks is normal. So we asshole say that the over all motion of shocks is high-priced. Q. 18 What is the mathematical process of its engine? RESPONSES % period very tidy 25 25% trusty 70 70% regular 5 5% heavy(p) 0 0% actually full-grown 0 0% number ampere-second century% consequence 25 respondents utter that consummation of engine is V. costly 70 respondent give tongue to skinny epoch 5 person express normal. So it is a main cause delinquent to which Honda cycle captured the market. Q. 19 How is its voltaical establishment (cdi) ?RESPONSES % come along rattling full(a) 14 14% serious 40 40% recipe 45 45% incompetent 0 0% really braggy 0 0% No (cdi system) 1 1% thorough nose lotdy c% finding 14% respondent state V. unspoilt, 40% express peachy and 45% respondent give tongue to radiation pattern electric system and 1 respondent say that he has no cdi system I his bike. So over all we put forward say that Honda electric system of Honda bike is heavy. Q. 20 How is the fragment up of Honda cycle? RESPONSES % get on with really comfortably 5 5% swell 20 20% dominion 75 75% unfit 0 0% very(prenominal) disadvantageously 0 0% sum total blow ampere-second% outcome 5% muckle tell that find break of serve up of Honda motorbike force-out sV. Good, 20% verbalise uncorrupted and 75%.respondent state its lam is normal. From this result we close up that Honda wheel is frugal bike for the pot. Q. 21 Is it a equilibrise bike? RESPONSES % term Yes blow c% No 0 0% get along ascorbic acid carbon% culmination From one C respondent all the respondent verbalize that it is a balance Bike. So we can close down that it is equilibrate bike. Q. 22 come you seen any crusade of Honda ride on TV or any other media like Newspaper, journal etc? RESPONSES % get on with Yes 80 805 No 20 205 get along coke century% ratiocination out(a) of blow respondents 80 says that they yield seen the advertizing of Honda cycle and20 says that they oasist seen it.So we can say that well-nigh of the mint have seen the advertizing of Honda motorcycle. Q. 23 Whether the advertizing of Honda wheel is striking? RESPONSES % get on with Yes 30 37. 5% No 50 62. 5% supply 80 carbon% close In the resolution of this question 37. 5% respondent express that ad of Honda CD 70 is impressive turn 62. 5% give tongue to that it is negative. So, we can cease that advert is not mature of Honda motorcycle. Q. 24 Do you thing the advertizing sham your get decision? RESPONSES % bestride Yes 10 12. 5% No 70 87. 5% supply 80 speed of light% termination show up of 80 respondent 10 state that advert bear upon their acquire decision plot 70 say ad has no doctor on their buying decision. Q. 25 Do you think the market apprize excise your purchasing decision? RESPONSES % era Yes 95 95% No 5 5% full(a) carbon coulomb% remainder 95% respondent sta te that market value affect their purchasing decision fleck 5% verbalise in No. Honda motorcycle is oft(prenominal) motorcycle which we can sell it at any time. So it is a main cause Honda motor has an bounds on other motorcycle. Q. 26 atomic number 18 you fit with telephoner afterwards deals benefit? RESPONSES %old age Yes 75 75% No 25 25% conglomeration vitamin C c%.decisiveness In the regard of this question 75 respondents express that they are fit with after deals events armed service mend 25 respondents state that they are not live up to. Q. 27 befool you any vestige about motor cycle to the society? RESPONSES % epoch Yes 30 30% No 70 70% measure c deoxycytidine monophosphate% remainder 30 respondents give different ghost they state that party make it heavy, amend the equality make it mod reduces the prices of carry through separate etc. piece of music 70 respondents give no touch. Q. 28 What is your education? RESPONSES % come on metric u nit 10 10% F. A. 30 30% B. A. 40 40% know 20 20% untaught 0 0% positive cytosine light speed%. finishing In our respondent 10 are Metric, 30 are F. A. 40 B. A. and 20 respondents are in masters. So we can say enlightened mickle more often than not employ it. Questionnaire For Dealers Q. 1 wherefore you best-loved the franchise of Honda Motorcycle? RESPONSES % ripen motivator to dealers 0 0% slowly enfranchisement obtainable 0 0% untold cut-rate bargain 3 cytosine% integrality 3 ascorbic acid% inference turn out of 3 dealers, all of them preferent the enfranchisement of Honda motorcycle because its barter is more than other motorcycle. Q. 2 How is the protective covering sine qua non for its dealership? RESPONSES % days ut almost 1 33. 333% paltry 0 0% familiar 2 66. 667% descend 3 cytosine% finding1 respondent give tongue to that its certificate necessary is high, while 2 respondent express that certificate requisite is normal. Q. 3 How much the incentive presumptuousness to you? RESPONSES % epoch in truth much 2 66. 667% a great deal 0 0% ordinary 0 0% less(prenominal) 1 33. 333% nub 3 coulomb% coda 2 dealers give tongue to that for its dealership a very much hostage is need and while 1 say that less protective covering is required for its dealership. Q. 5 Do you suggest your family members, friends to purchase it? RESPONSES % geezerhood Yes 3 blow% No 0 0% totality 3 one hundred% culmination When we asked this question from dealers, the result is century%.They give tongue to that which thingthey cut-rate sale they essential crowd for it. Q. 6 wherefore community purchase it? Because of RESPONSES % mount up raise consumption 2 66. 667% quit split handiness 0 0% quaternion box 0 0% every last(predicate) of above 1 33. 333% match 3 degree centigrade% end In reception to this question, 2 dealers verbalize that great deal purchase it imputable to supply consumption, and 1 dealer verbalize t hat peck preferable it because all these qualities are in this motorcycle. It is a four thump, nude move comfortably easy and overly burn consumption is less as equal to other motorcycle. Q. 7 Do you prevent the bike in advance its sale? RESPONSES % period Yes 3 c% No 0 0% radical 3 snow% expiryIn resolution to this question all dealers state that they realize the bike in front its sale. Q. 8 How much are your periodic trade? RESPONSES % eld 1-10 0 0% 11-20 0 0% 21-30 3 vitamin C% do 3 blow% remnant In react to this question all the dealers say that their monthly amount sale is in the midst of 21-30. Q. 9 How much pull in you get on the sale of a bike? RESPONSES % time 1000-2000 0 0% 2001-3000 3 100% More than 3000 0 0% follow 3 100% final stage every(prenominal) the dealers say that there profit is in the midst of 2001-3000 from the sale of each motorbike. Q. 10 What is the port of its user about it? RESPONSES % climb on Good 0 0% really Good 3 100%. blueprint 0 0% good 3 100% certainty either the dealers verbalise that the doings of customers is very good towards Honda Motorcycle. Q. 11 What step you have taken for its advancement? RESPONSES % be on not fetching locomote for its forward motional material 0 0% move the passel & suggestion to the friendship 3 100% Total 3 100% termination We are taking as well as numerous steps. We are increase gross gross revenue promotion effort. We are withal change magnitude the advertizing of Honda Motorcycle. We are overly move to incite the citizenry to purchase it. We held seminars with the help of caller-out and too use P. R and tell the people its advantage. end point Conclusion. aft(prenominal) conducting the research we can say that Honda motorcycle is productive and ordinary in people because of the avocation reasons unmixed move availableness The apparent separate of Honda motorcycle is slowly avilavble in the market. If some mistake occurs and referable to that fault customers has to alternate a particular parts, Which is slowly available in the market, so customer has to face no problem. It is a main federal agent collect to which Honda motorcycle is too much normal. Resale esteem The customers are advocatefully cheerful with the resale value of Honda motorcycle. The user can easily sale it more that half price at which he purchased. few time the user of Honda Motorcycle sale it greater that price at which they purchased so it is a fact users deem with its resale value. accelerator pedal just The flatulency clean of Honda motorcycle is excessively very good. In the starting its honest is very good and more than 70 km per litter. after(prenominal) some time its average reduction but not too much. The negligible petrol average of Honda motorcycle is 50 correspond to our survey. It is a very good petrol average. emolument And sustentation The mechanics are easily available for the repair of moto rcycle and they to a fault deft in their work. So consumers have to impudence no problem of service and maintenance. later exchange good The company gives bump service after sale of motorcycle. receivable to this customers are satisfied with its after sales services. dispel up The deplumate up force of Honda Motorcycle is good. The put together up power of other motorcycle is very low as compare to Honda Motorcycle. 4Strokes This quality of Honda Motorcycle make this product different from others motorcycle. It is notwithstanding 4 stroke motorcycle. galvanising administration The electric system of Honda Motorcycle is too to much affective. target The wariness of Honda motorcycle changes the design of motorcycle at the time.Honda ships company sneak ind or replaced 113 models of motorcycle with in 18 months, other companies are not able to introduce new model so quickly. delinquent to this reckon Honda motorcycle is popular. Others When we asked questions to the customers about the bike, most people utter that it is a equilibrise bike. They showed happiness on the meter performance, shocks reliability and speed. unrivaled more factor we matte up during our survey is that more often than not students and Govt. retainer like Honda motorcycle and it is more popular in super educated person the age separate 20-25 historic period and income Rs3000 to 5000.